Southeastern Gynocologic Urology

What is Urodynamics
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Urodynamics is the dynamic study of the transport, storage and evacuation of urine by the urinary tract. As a diagnostic procedure, it is comprised of a number of tests which can be used to gain invaluable information about your lower urinary tract function. This investigative tool measures bladder pressure and function, urethral pressure and function, and urine flow. It is typically performed in the office by your physician or a well- trained clinical staff member.


Prior to your study you will be given thorough instructions and information about what to expect during your test. If you are already taking bladder medications you should hold your medications for at least 48- 72 hours prior to the date of your study. You should have also completed a 2-3 day voiding diary before this appointment (don’t forget to bring it with you the day of your study). It is imperative that you come to your appointment with a comfortably full bladder (do not void 1-2 hours prior to your appointment). The study typically takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. Please be aware that your urine will be tested for an acute infection the day of the procedure. If your urine screening test appears positive for an infection, you will be treated accordingly and the procedure will be rescheduled until the infection has cleared. You can resume your bladder medications after the procedure (unless otherwise specified by your physician).

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2008 Southeastern Gynocologic Urology